Coventional vs. Organic
1) What influences someone to organic vs. conventional or conventional vs. organic?
2) Is organic really healthier or is it just asumed that way?
3) Is the quality in organic products really that much greater or are we just paying for the word organic?
4) Which is cheaper and easier for a farmer to produce?
Thesis- People tend to purchase organic food over convential food thinking that it is healthier, when really, its only better for the environment.
What influences people to eat organic food over conventional food or vice versa? We chose this question because during research, we discovered that the only benefit to eating organic is that it is better for the environment. We wanted to know if people purchased organic because they thought it was healthier, or if they knew they were paying more just to be greener and better for the world. We wanted to clear up the misunderstanding that organic is healthier than conventionally grown food. We did lots of research and found that there is no health/nutritional value difference between organic and conventional, yet people still purchase organic thinking it’s healthier. Science has not found a way to prove either method healthier. When you purchase organically grown food, you pay more for a product that spoils faster. Yet, People tend to purchase organic food over conventional food thinking that it is healthier, when really, it’s only better for the environment.
Our Report
What’s the difference between organic and conventional food and farming? “Organic” refers to the way the farmers grow and process their product. These products include fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat. Organic farming preserves water and soil and reduces pollution. They don’t use fertilizers or any other chemicals. Conventional farmers use fertilizers and chemicals in their products. Regardless of how it’s grown, the nutritional value is the same.
Organic farming is much more time consuming and difficult. There is much more manual labor involved in organic farming. That is why you pay more for organic products. Is it worth the extra money for no nutritional benefits? Why pay more for more manual labor? Do people buy organic thinking it’s healthier, or do they know they are paying for manual labor? These are all questions that drove us to write on this topic.
People that purchase organic food typically believe that it is healthier. If they knew that it had no more nutritional value than conventional, would they pay the ridiculous price for organic food that will spoil much faster than conventional? That’s right, organic actually spoils faster than conventionally grown foods. This is crazy because they charge more for organic food too. Why do people would pay more for a product with no nutritional benefits and that will spoil in a matter of days?
Why do people think organic food is healthier than other foods? There really has been no proven reason why people feel this way. Many People believe organic is healthier. We conducted a class wide survey and our results are shown in the graph below. Researches feel that it is because organic companies make sure they let consumers know that they don’t use growth hormones or chemicals. The chemicals used don’t affect nutritional value and aren’t as bad as organic companies make them sound. Bottom line, there is no benefit to eating organic.
People tend to purchase organic foods because of false beliefs that it is healthier. We wrote this to inform people that there is no advantage to buying organic foods. In conclusion, conventional food is just as nutritious as organic, but cheaper.
Works Cited
Works Cited
"Nutrition and Healthy Eating." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. Web. <>., Amy Spindler. "Organic vs. Conventional: What Do Experts Say? - CNN." Featured Articles from CNN. 13 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.
Comments (1)
Dawn Hogue said
at 1:59 pm on Mar 15, 2011
You have a counterintuitive thesis. You're going to need to provide sound evidence and plenty of it.
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