

Page history last edited by Dawn Hogue 14 years, 7 months ago

How to manage photos and more for your wiki pages


Adjusting the resolution and size of an image:

  • Open a high resolution image (from a digital camera) in PhotoShop and use the Save For Web and Devices option. Make your image a high-medium resolution jpeg and save it.
  • In Paint.net, adjust the file size once you save. Go for the lowest size (where the picture still looks good). 
  • A good size (width) for the wiki is 450-500 pixels. If your image is much wider, your reader may have to scroll side to side to view it all, which is not generally good Web etiquette. 


Getting a picture on a page:

  1. Save images as jpeg files in your H:/ drive or have them stored on a usb drive.
  2. Click on Pages & Files tab.
  3. Find your folder and have it open.
  4. Click on the Upload Files tab (top left) and browse to find your file and upload it.
  5. Go to the page you want the image on and click the Edit tab. 
  6. There is an images and files tab in the right sidebar. Find your file there.
  7. You should be able to drag the file from that space onto your page. Easy! 


About Photo Collages:

  • DO NOT create a collage in Word. Use Paint.net for an easy collage. Save as a jpeg image (see previous note about size and resolution). 
  • DO NOT print out pictures from the Internet and paste them onto a piece of paper that will need to be scanned. Create your collage in Paint.net. 
    • Find all your files first. Use pics from the Internet (not copyrighted) or your own images. To save an image from the Web, open the actual pic (not thumbnail), right click, save picture as. It's a good idea to put all the images for this project in one folder.
    • Open a new document (make it large enough to accomodate your images.  
    • To put images on the page, go to Layers, Import from File. Then you can move the layers around.
    • Be sure to add words and phrases to your collage to add information and interest. 
    • When you're ready to save, you have to go to Image, Flatten. DO NOT do this until you're ready to save. You will not be able to manipulate the layers after you flatten. 
    • Save as a jpg image in an appropriate size/res. 
  • If you create a collage from magazine photos, then use an 8 1/2 x 11 (regular printer paper) sheet of paper as your template. Do not let pictures "flop" off the edge. This will need to be scanned to create a digital document.


Photo Slide Show:

  • Theoretically PhotoPeach would work. You'd create the slide show, then find the embed the code, and add it to the wiki page by clicking on Insert Plugin and Video. Hannah M says PP does not work, but she's trying Movie Maker.



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